Re: Updating Quota API: Promise, Events and some more

On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 9:44 AM, Kinuko Yasuda <> wrote:
>> requestQuota for temporary storage:
>> I'd like to better understand the use case for requestQuota for temporary
>> storage. Are implementations allowed to bring up a prompt when an increased
>> temporary storage quota is requested? I thought one of the big use cases for
>> temporary storage was that it would never trigger prompts, though obviously
>> an exception could be made for the explicit requestQuota function.
>> If the idea is for it not to bring up a prompt, why would we not simply
>> always allocate the largest value that could be requested?
>> Also, I think that we for temporary storage in Gecko would not want to
>> guarantee that the allocated quota (as reported by queryQuota) for temporary
>> storage will remain allocated for longer than the running page. I.e. once a
>> page is closed, we might want to release the quota allocated and give it to
>> another website.
> This is a very good feedback/question.  In Chrome we actually don't really
> support requestQuota for temporary storage, we just silently ignore the
> request but returns the current available quota to the requesting webapp.  I
> also agree that it won't be desirable to preserve the quota allocated for
> temporary storage.
> Seems like having this method take a storage type just confuses
> readers/implementors, we should probably just drop the storage type
> parameter and rename it to something like 'requestPersistentQuota', or only
> add the method to 'navigator.persistentStorage' attribute?

I think adding storageQuota.requestPersistentQuota would be a good
solution. It seems cleaner than having a separate
navigator.persistentStorage object.

/ Jonas

Received on Thursday, 15 August 2013 18:26:30 UTC