Re: Updating Quota API: Promise, Events and some more

> That still feels like an odd mix of two APIs. An approach that we (Moz +

> Google) have talked about would be to extend the call
> with an options dictionary, e.g.
> request ={ name: ..., version: ..., storage: "temporary" });
> On a tangent...
> An open question is if the storage type (1) can be assigned only when an
> IDB database is created, or (2) can be changed, allowing an IDB database to
> be moved while retaining data, or (3) defines a namespace between origin
> and database, i.e. "" / "permanent" / "db-1" and "" /
> "temporary" / "db-1" co-exist as separate databases.

Specifying StorageType during opening the database is good enough.
Basically we can think a database as transaction group.

I don't see it is necessary to change storage type. Most likely
operation is when storage get low, we will delete not so important
data. onstoragelow event cover pretty much. Another problem is we
actually don't know the size of object we are storing.

Option 3 is very interesting.


Received on Thursday, 15 August 2013 01:50:51 UTC