[editing] Multiple ranges in a single selection support


While reading the latest spec for editing:
https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/editing/raw-file/tip/editing.html, I noticed the
following paragraph:
"The Netscape implementation always allowed multiple ranges in a single
selection, for instance so the user could select a column of a table.
However, multi-range selections proved to be an unpleasant corner case
that web developers didn't know about and even Gecko developers rarely
handled correctly. Other browser engines never implemented the feature,
and clamped selections to a single range in various incompatible fashions."

I am working on CSSRegions implementation and I think the multi-range
selection has the potential of a better user experience than the single
range when the content is flowed inside regions. Right now, the single
range selection may display awkward results for the user trying to select
content in a page with regions because regions allow you to mix content
from virtually anywhere in the page.

I would like to know more about the corner cases mentioned above and the
problems encountered when trying to implement this feature. Are they
documented somewhere I can take a look?

Mihnea Ovidenie

Received on Monday, 5 August 2013 07:26:09 UTC