Re: Clipboard API: Enable `copy` event simulation with user's express permission (domain-wide)?

On Jul 12, 2013, at 12:57 PM, James Greene <> wrote:

> It appears that the only way to trigger a `copy` event programmatically is to use `document.execCommand('copy')`, which most browsers prevent:
> What about enabling so enabling semi-restricted programmatic clipboard injection on a page if the user grants their express permission via a once-per-domain security prompt (similar to the Geolocation API)?  IOW, given a user's express permission to the origin and following a user's pointer event or keyboard interaction, I would like to be able to simulate the `copy` event (and the `beforecopy` event, if practical).

I don't want the clipboard API specification to mandate one behavior or another.  It's something each browser vendor should be able to decide.

- R. Niwa

Received on Thursday, 25 July 2013 00:18:57 UTC