[FileAPI] Revisiting Deflate/Compression

We've had a few conversations pop up about exposing deflate/inflate to 
the webapps environment.
Years of them (more recently May 2013).

Packaging a zip file is very simple in JS, it's just the inflate/deflate 
code that's a trudge.
We all know the benefits of compressing JSON and XML over the pipe.

I'd like to see deflate exposed through FileReader.
For example: reader.readAsArrayBuffer(blob, {deflate: true});

Inflate semantics could be similar:
reader.readAsArrayBuffer(blob, {inflate: true});

Being that blob is synchronous, it seems like extending the constructor 
would only be reasonable in the context of a worker:
new Blob(["my easily compressed string...."], {deflate: true});

Jonas already outlined some of the reasons not to pursue this: 
inflate/deflate can be performed in JS, JS is reasonably fast...

In practice, JS is significantly slower than the browser's own native 
code, native code is already available in existing browsers, there are 
very few deflate/inflate JS libraries available, and including them has 
costs in size, loading time and licensing. As a consequence, web app 
authors are simply not using deflate when appropriate. We can easily 
remedy that by exposing deflate and inflate through these existing APIs.

If there is push-back on extending Blob, I'm content with simply getting 
FileReader to support inflate/deflate.


Received on Saturday, 13 July 2013 20:23:31 UTC