[PUSH API] Request for CFC on publication of new WD

Hi Webapps,

Eduardo and I have uploaded a new ED of the Push API at https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/push/raw-file/tip/index.html.

This incorporates a variety of changes based upon comments received since the last ED. See https://github.com/telefonicaid/WebAPISpecs/commits/develop/Push for details on these changes:

*         Correct issues with Pubrules Checker

*         moving push notification steps to system messages section

*         escaping character

*         Push server *may* skip version notifications ...

*         if none, registrations() returns 0 length array ...

*         Complete example code ...

*         Replace references to web intents with "push service extension" ...

*         editorial correction

*         renaming appToken to pushRegistrationId

*         splitting pushEndpoint into pushEndpoint and appToken

*         adding links to promises algorithms

*         fixing Promise-related descriptions

*         fix example 1 to use Promise

*         addressing Jonas' concern about transfering actual content in notific... ...

*         removing serverProtocols

*         changing version to unsigned long long and clarifying when it is null... ...

*         changing from DOMRequest to Promise

*         Add bit about semantics of push notification delivery guarantees

We would like to request a CFC for publication of a new WD based upon this ED.

Bryan Sullivan

Received on Thursday, 11 July 2013 22:02:05 UTC