Re: [widgets] Proposal to publish Widget Requirements and Widget Landscape docs as Working Group Notes; deadline Sep 23

On Friday, 16 September 2011 at 20:04, Arthur Barstow wrote:

> Marcos, All,
> To clearly state that WebApps' work on the Widget Requirements and 
> Widget Landscape documents has ended, I propose they be published as 
> Working Group Notes:
I think only the requirements should be published, because it was actually pretty useful in informing the standards development process. It's actually a pretty good document, if I do say so myself :) 

The landscape document was just created to inform the standardisation process of what was considered best practice at the time. If it's a W3C requirement that it be published as a WG Note, then it should be published as is (i.e., I don't wanna do any work on it unless I really have to). 
> If anyone has any comments or objections to publishing those docs - as 
> is (except for SotD updates) - as WG Notes, please reply by September 23 
> at the latest.

Kind regards,

Received on Friday, 16 September 2011 14:15:11 UTC