Re: Element.create(): a proposal for more convenient element creation

On 8/6/2011 9:05 AM, Dominic Cooney wrote:
> Element.create looks neat. Three thoughts:
> Let me briefly reiterate that I think we want *both* Element.create 
> and constructors; they have complementary uses.
I agree.

> Second, re: setAttribute vs setting properties, there might be types 
> other than functions we want to not treat as strings; for example if a 
> UA implements CSSOM it might be nice to be able to set a style without 
> having to serialize and reparse the CSSStyleDeclaration.
> Can we spec whether something in the attributes hash is set via 
> setAttribute or via setting a property based on the IDL for that element?
How about .attributes as another reserved word:

Element.create('div', { attributes: { 'class': 'foo'} });
Element.create('div', { attributes: [ 'class','foo','class','bar'] } 
).attr({textContent: 'Bar class'});

For reserved words: aria-*, data-* are always a DOMString via 
setAttribute and
.attributes is an object or array used to run additional setAttribute calls.

If attributes were to accept a DOMString:
Element.create('div', { attributes: 'i-replaced="InnerHTML" 
style="font-size: 2em"' });


Relevant to the discussion is Doug's createChild proposal:

Doug adds an index integer as the third argument, something to consider.
Passing "0" as an argument is easier than firstChild().insertBefore() 

parentElement.createChildNS( htmlns, 'div', { data-test: 'test' }, 0); 
// add to parent at position: 0.

Position could be a helpful abstraction:

Element.create('div').create(span,{textContent: 'second node'}).
     position(0).create('span', {textContent: 'first node'});
<div><span>first node</span><span>second node</span>

Element.create('div').create('div').create('span', {textContent: 'span 
node in two divs'}).
     position(-1,0).create('span', {textContent: 'span node in first 
div, first child.'});
<div><span>span node in first div, first child</span>
<div><span>span node in two divs</span></div></div>

Could be handy to use with querySelector.


Received on Saturday, 6 August 2011 19:12:33 UTC