RE: [XHR2] Blobs, names and FormData

On Monday, July 18, 2011 12:52 PM, Michael Nordman wrote:
> The problem is around naming the binary parts attached to multi-part-form-encoded
> FormData. I think I'm in favor of the more direct solution to this problem,
> providing a FormData.append() variant that optionally  allows the caller to
> specify a name. If no name is provided and the blob is a File, the filename is
> used, otherwise a non-empty value generated by the client is used.
>  formdata.append("elementName", blob, "picture.png");
> BlobBuilder.getFile() as a solution to this particular problem is less direct
> (and less obvious and less discoverable so less friendly). And it raises
> questions like... Is the blob data really flattened out as a file on the disk
> somewhere? If not, then getFile() is somewhat misleading. Is so, we may have to
> create actual files when we otherwise wouldn't. Where is this file created? When
> does it get deleted?

+1 I agree completely.

Received on Monday, 18 July 2011 20:05:44 UTC