Re: Test suites and RFC2119


Le 4 juil. 2011 à 05:47, Rich Tibbett a écrit :
> conformance testing.

and later on

> implementations to claim 100% compliance

These are entirely two different things. The MUST/SHOULD or any systems of Conformance help articulate the way the technology is organized. 

The claim of being implemented correctly is entirely another topic. You could create an implementation conformance statement (ICS) which would require an HTML5 document to be conformant only and only if it had <!doctype html> at the start. Not very useful, but still possible. 

The documents you are looking for are:

* QA Framework: Specification Guidelines
* Variability in Specifications

Specifically, "2.1.2 Specify how to make conformance claims." [1]

For the testing part, there is no way to assess the technology is fully implemented with a percentage, a number of passed tests. This just doesn't work. It doesn't mean tests are useless. It is just that claiming interoperability and/or conformance is silly.
You can claim certification when there is a defined profile. And the certification will just prove that you successfully passed the profile, not that you are fully conformant or fully interoperable.


Karl Dubost -
Developer Relations & Tools, Opera Software

Received on Monday, 4 July 2011 13:44:26 UTC