Re: Mutation events replacement

> > Olli Pettay
> > Tue, 28 Jun 2011 04:32:14 -0700
> > These are *not* DOM-Event listeners. No DOM Events are created, there
> > are no capture phases or bubbling phases. Instead you register a
> > listener on the node you are interested in being notified about, and
> > will get a call after a mutation takes place.

For live concurrent editing of DOM trees, this seems to suggest that you 
are required to register an observer with *all* nodes in the DOM tree 
and not just its root node. Is that correct?  If correct, it would be a 
pain for document editing applications. For use cases like document 
editing, it would be valuable to allow observers on ancestor nodes to 
see changes to their descendant nodes.

n.b. the current mutation events work nicely for the document editing 
use cases.

  Dave Raggett<>

Received on Saturday, 2 July 2011 18:27:35 UTC