Re: CfC: to publish the First Public Working Draft of Web Database spec; deadline 7 September

On Sep 1, 2009, at 19:31 , Laxmi Narsimha Rao Oruganti wrote:
> 	LINQ is a hard one to push as LINQ again ties back to Microsoft  
> only (single vendor).  As a Microsoft employee I am super excited  
> about LINQ, but as standards 	advocate LINQ is not the right one.   
> Unless Microsoft puts some effort in standardizing the LINQ and  
> promotes few other vendors go for it (much like ODBC), I would not 	 
> vouch for it in web standards.  On the other hand, I have heard of  
> efforts in having LINQ like stuff in Java.

I don't have an agenda to push for LINQ, but I don't think that the  
reasons you quote eliminate it as an option — many successful  
standards started off as a single vendor solution and were later  
submitted for consideration by a standards group. I guess what I'm  
saying is: since you don't like the SQL-based approach that is  
currently being explored, and since you have a wealth of research into  
better alternatives, why not look into contributing them?

Robin Berjon -

Received on Wednesday, 2 September 2009 09:20:31 UTC