Re: HTTP status code equivalents for file:// operations - compat with xhr

Michael A. Puls II wrote:
> Using filedata: and the FileAPI instead of file: with xhr, seems like 
> it'd work. However, how do you get a fileData object without <input 
> type="file">?
Whereas file:// gives you (sometimes constrained) access to the file 
system, including directories, etc., filedata: is tightly coupled to a 
single file, which the user has chosen.  Thus, you can't decouple the 
file selection process (which generates UI, via input type="file) from a 
given selected file's filedata: URL.  Early versions of the draft had a 
FileDialog interface, but this was controversial, and is not an active 
part of this draft.

-- A*

Received on Tuesday, 18 August 2009 19:00:10 UTC