Re: FileAPI Feedback

On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 6:52 AM, Arun Ranganathan<> wrote:
> Garrett Smith wrote:
>> In glancing at some of the methods in FileAPI, I noticed some coding
>> errors.

>> The "status code" and a "getData" method could be designed as
>> properties of one object.

Replace the callback's parameter list with a whole object.

function handleURL(ev) {
  if(ev.hasError) {
  } else {

function handleError(ev) {
  var error = ev.error;
  // etc.

function handleSuccess(ev) {
  var data = ev.getData();
  // etc.

> I'm not sure I understand.  Which object do you mean here?
>> |// (GS) What is the second parameter "error"?
>> | function handleURL(fileAsDataURL, error)
>> |
> This is the FileError object, used as an argument on the callback to report
> errors.
>> | // (GS) best to keep this on local Variable object,
>> | // not assigning to window.status.
> Good catch -- thank you :-)

You can run it through JS Lint or use a proper IDE and it will catch
the errors. JS Lint is noisy and will report "Problems" like:-

| The body of a for in should be wrapped in an
| if statement to filter unwanted properties
| from the prototype.

You could try testing it. This would require a test framework that can
handle async firing. Then create a mock object that calls the callback
asyncrhonously. That object can be designed configurable to throw
errors, so that the the mock object throwin errors can facilitate
testing the error conditions.

> -- A*

Received on Friday, 14 August 2009 18:45:03 UTC