New Role in T-Mobile Germany

Dear Art, All,

After commuting about 200km each day over more than three years I will go back to T-Mobile Germany in Münster that is nearer to the place where I live. I will leave Deutsche Telekom AG Headquarters (former T-Mobile International) by the end of August.

So, I want to take the opportunity to say thank you and good bye to all of you. It was a pleasure for me working with you on the specifications for widgets. Regardless of my new role, I will keep on privately developing widgets and hoping to provide releases that work on all web runtimes.

All the best and take care.

Best Regards,


Deutsche Telekom AG
Service Zentrale/Headquarters
Rainer Hillebrand
Head of Terminal Security
Landgrabenweg 151, D-53227 Bonn
+49 228 936-13916 (Tel)
+49 228 936-18406 (Fax)
+49 171 5211056 (Mobile)
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Deutsche Telekom AG
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Vorstand/ Board of Management: René Obermann (Vorsitzender/ Chairman), Hamid Akhavan, Dr. Manfred Balz, Reinhard Clemens,  Niek Jan van Damme, Timotheus Höttges, Guido Kerkhoff, Thomas Sattelberger
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Received on Thursday, 23 July 2009 05:55:22 UTC