Re: WebIDL and prototype chains

On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 10:45 AM, Adam Barth<> wrote:
> When a browser creates an instance of a DOM object defined by an
> WebIDL interface, the browser must choose where to connect it's
> prototype chain.  For example, consider this case (where frames[0] is
> a same-origin child frame):
> var doc = frames[0].document;
> 1) To which global object's prototypes ought |doc| connect to, the
> parent frame running the script or the child frame from which we
> obtained the document?
> My best guess is that the prototype chain ought to connect to the
> child's prototype

Absolutely. |doc| will simply be pointing to the same object that
frames[0].document does. So the prototype chain must be the same for
both. And it's clear that when code inside frames[0] accesses that
frames document it should have a protochain based on the globals in
that frame.

I don't have any strong opinions on where this is specced.

/ Jonas

Received on Thursday, 16 July 2009 20:14:29 UTC