Widget Test Cases Creation Event -> September 21st-23rd, Düsseldorf

Dear widget fans,

I am pleased to inform you that Vodafone is offering to host a W3C event taking place from September 21st-23rd in Düsseldorf. This "widget test cases creation event" (in lack of a better name:-) shall be fully dedicated to the development of tests cases relating to the requirements defined by several widgets technical specifications (see http://www.w3.org/2008/webapps/wiki/PubStatus#Widgets_Specifications).

The high level objective is to develop a good amount of test cases, ideally let them run on some real implementations, improve iterativly and finally publish them at http://dev.w3.org/2006/waf/widgets/tests/.

More information regarding registration, etc to follow shortly via W3C staff/WG chairs.

So if you are interested to join, make sure you block the above dates in your calendar.

Best regards,

Christian Breitschwerdt

Vodafone Group Research & Development
Standardisation and Industry Engagement

Received on Monday, 13 July 2009 12:15:54 UTC