Re: [CORS] Charset in content type

2009/3/19 Jonas Sicking <>:
> [...]
> Two things that I think we need to watch out for:
> 1. Someone doing
>    xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain; application/xml");
> 2. Someone doing
>    xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain;
> somewierdthing=application/xml");
> Especially the first might be tricky since we don't know which
> mimetype the server will use. I was going to make our implementation
> require that there is only one "empty" parameter, and optionally a
> charset.

Actually both of them are invalid per RFC2616 and thus should raise SYNTAX_ERR.
Or actually, they don't per current spec, but I think they should.
(and anyway RFC2616 is not very clear about the field-value production)

> [...]
> / Jonas


Received on Thursday, 19 March 2009 19:38:25 UTC