Re: [widgets] Comments on Widget Signature update (was RE: Widget Signature update)

On 3/17/09, Frederick Hirsch <> wrote:
> Marcos
> Rather than replicating this, which might be error prone and hard to
> maintain, perhaps Widget Signature should reference P & C for this.
> What do you think ?

I think that should be fine.
> regards, Frederick
> On Mar 17, 2009, at 8:15 AM, ext Marcos Caceres wrote:
>> Hi Frederick,
>> On 3/17/09 1:01 PM, Frederick Hirsch wrote:
>>> The latest draft includes the revised text from Thomas.
>>> Marcos, are you suggesting we add something more? It sounds like what
>>> you are saying here, is that it should be a valid widget file. Isn't
>>> that part of P&C checking? I'm not sure what it means to check that
>>> the
>>> paths are "as secure as possible."
>> You might want to check the following section of the P&C [1] and see
>> if
>> it is usable in dig sigs. Given that the paths in the <reference>
>> elements MUST be zip-relative-paths, the rules for checking the
>> validity
>> of those paths may apply to the Widgets Dig Sig spec.
>> [1]
> regards, Frederick
> Frederick Hirsch
> Nokia

Marcos Caceres

Received on Tuesday, 17 March 2009 20:48:34 UTC