[XHR2] Upload events flag

What is the meaning of upload events flag in XMLHttpRequest 2?

Its definition is that it "is used in the send() algorithm to  
determine whether upload progress events will be dispatched for non  
same origin requests." However, it is only set by send, and is only  
used for passing in cross-origin request algorithm as force preflight  

If the current text accurately describes how this flag is supposed to  
work, I'd suggest an editorial change that will remove it, and say  
want to pass to CORS directly. However, my understanding is that it  
might in fact need to prevent dispatching progress events even in case  
a listener gets added after invoking CORS. Was that the intention?

- WBR, Alexey Proskuryakov

Received on Thursday, 12 March 2009 14:29:30 UTC