Re: Regarding DOM 3 Tests Format

On Thu, 28 Aug 2008 20:12:04 +0200, Carmelo Montanez <>  

> I am getting ready to submit a number of tests and wanted to get your
> feedback on format.  We already agreed
> on a template a few weeks back.  This follows on that format.  Just
> wanted to get your view before I go forward.
> See attached files.

Hi Carmelo,
I don't quite see how the structure of your format is meant to evolve -  
the tests are not very complex but there is still too much utility code  
that should be in a framework inside the scripts itself, and it all relies  
too much on global variables and global functions in ad-hoc  
"underscore-namespaces" like w3c_ and NIST_. Perhaps you have some  
documentation on the agreed format?

Also a bit odd that you won't get correct pass/fail output in UAs without  
advanced CSS support - generated content, even. That alone makes the test  
suite useless for comparing compliance to older browsers or your past  

Have you considered simply using the YUI-test framework? I think it is  
pretty well structured and clean. I admit I have not written any serious  
number of tests with it but I work on analysing those that come with YUI  
pretty often and it always strikes me as better than other frameworks I  
know - stuff I maintain or have written.

> Format 1 includes the files:
> NIST_wheel_001.html
> NIST_wheel_002.html
> NIST_functions.js
> Format 2 includes:
> NIST_wheel_format2_001.html
> NIST_wheel_002_format2.html
> NIST_Functions_format2.js
> Thanks,
> Carmelo Montanez

Hallvord R. M. Steen
Core QA JavaScript tester, Opera Software
Opera - simply the best Internet experience

Received on Tuesday, 16 September 2008 23:54:29 UTC