Re: ElementTraversal support in Firefox 3.1

Hi, Jonas-

Jonas Sicking wrote (on 8/20/08 12:08 AM):
> I just landed support for ElementTraversal in firefox. This will be
> available in tomorrow nightlies, as well as the upcoming Firefox 3.1
> Alpha 2 release that should be out soon.

Awesome.  Thanks!

I'll try to get a test suite out soon.  If you already have tests, it
would be great if you could donate them.

> On top of this we also implement a 'children' property which is an
> NodeList of all child elements to allow children to be reached by index,
> such as
> res = myElement.children[5];
> The reason we chose the name 'children' for this property is that this
> is already available in IE, Safari and Opera (which makes me wonder
> about the arguments about this being too complex to implement).

Good to hear.  I wanted a nodelist from the first, so I'm glad it will
be available in FF.

I've started the extended Element Interface spec we talked about.  It
should be easy to do, if the WG decides to take it on.  This would
include the stuff you and John Resig posted on, and maybe the
non-Element next/previousElementSibling attributes Daniel Glazman
pointed out.

I'll start drawing up use cases and requirements.  Contributions welcome.

-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, WebApps, SVG, and CDF

Received on Wednesday, 20 August 2008 10:48:55 UTC