Re: [selectors-api] Investigating NSResolver Alternatives

João Eiras wrote:
>> Unfortunately I don't think we can change how XPath parses things 
>> since there is already code out there that might rely on the current 
>> behavior. Might be worth looking into though.
> I don't want to worry about xpath, although that misfeautre bite me hard :)
> Chaging the behavior how I suggested would be harmless because 
> currently, the use cases I wanted to fix either had the behavior 
> unspecified or exceptions were expected to be thrown.
> My concearn currently is with the selectors-api.
> I don't want to see the same errors repeated.

Agreed. I think the right solution is to make the changes you have 
proposed to NSResolver, and then make use of the NSResolver interface 
for the querySelector(All) APIs.

/ Jonas

Received on Saturday, 16 August 2008 22:49:54 UTC