Re: [whatwg/streams] Add WritableStream.write convenience method (PR #1339)

@MattiasBuelens commented on this pull request.

> @@ -4332,6 +4344,22 @@ as seen for example in [[#example-ws-no-backpressure]].
  1. Return ! [$IsWritableStreamLocked$]([=this=]).
+<div algorithm>
+ The <dfn id="ws-write" method for="WritableStream">write(|chunk|)</dfn> method steps are:

That's very unlikely to change.

For readers, we previously did not allow you to `releaseLock()` while there were pending read requests. For writers, we never had that restriction: you're always allowed to call `releaseLock()` even when there are pending write requests. In fact, [we even recommend]( not awaiting the `writer.write()` promise so you can better respect backpressure (as long as you await `writer.ready` though).

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Message ID: <whatwg/streams/pull/1339/review/>

Received on Friday, 24 January 2025 09:40:14 UTC