Re: [w3c/selection-api] Change getComposedRanges to have options as input (PR #331)

@dizhang168 commented on this pull request.

> @@ -405,7 +409,7 @@ <h2>
             <li>Otherwise, let <var>startNode</var> be [=range/start node=] of the [=range=] associated with [=this=],
               and let <var>startOffset</var> be [=range/start offset=] of the [=range=].</li>
             <li>While <var>startNode</var> is a [=node=], <var>startNode</var>'s [=tree/root=] is a [=shadow root=],
-              and <var>startNode</var>'s [=tree/root=] is not a [=shadow-including inclusive ancestor=] of any of <var>shadowRoots</var>,
+              and <var>startNode</var>'s [=tree/root=] is not a [=shadow-including inclusive ancestor=] of any of <var>options.shadowRoots</var>,

Thanks for the review.  I can change to format _options_[_shadowRoots_] by using `<var>options</var>[<var>shadowRoots</var>]`.

However, I am not sure how to link back to the IDL definition, I tried:
`<var>options</var>[<var data-x="dom-getcomposedrangesoptions-shadowroots">shadowRoots</var>]` 
`sequence&lt;ShadowRoot&gt; <dfn data-x="dom-getcomposedrangesoptions-shadowroots">shadowRoots</dfn> = [];`, but that didn't work.

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Message ID: <w3c/selection-api/pull/331/review/>

Received on Friday, 27 September 2024 21:01:55 UTC