[WICG/webcomponents] Preventing re-renders prior to first call to `connectedCallback()` (Issue #1081)

In my custom components with observable attributes, I've noticed that `attributeChangedCallback()` is called multiple times before `connectedCallback()` is called.  Even though `connectedCallback()` hasn't been called yet, the value of `isConnected` in the earlier `attributeChangedCallback()` calls is true.  This occurs when a custom element is defined directly on the HTML page.  

The problem with this is there is no flag I can check to prevent unnecessarily re-rendering the element content before all attributes are initialised.


  <my-custom-element attr1="a" attrr2="b" attr3="c"

The example component may look like this:

class MyCustomElement extends HTMLElement {

  static get observedAttributes() {
    return ["attr1", "attr2", "attr3", "attr4", /* ... etc */ ];

  connectedCallback() {

  attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {

  render() {
    // this doesn't prevent any unnecessary re-rerendering because the element is already connected
    // even though connectedCallback() hasn't been called yet
    if (!this.isConnected) return;

    this.innerHTML = renderFunction.render(this.attributes)

In this example, `attributeChangedCallback()` is called three times, and `this.isConnected` is `true` each time.  Finally, `connectedCallback()` is called.

This is problematic because I want to prevent unnecessary (re-)rendering of the element content until all the attributes defined in the HTML have been initialised due to the expense of computing the content for the element.

Now, I can manually add a flag and set it to true when `connectedCallback()` and false when `disconnectedCallback()` is called.  But I'm pretty sure every developer using web components would want/need this flag, so it makes sense for this to be part of the web component specification.

Ideally, I would like one or both of:
* A flag that is `false` before the call to `connectedCallback()` and `true`  after the initial calls to `attributeChangedCallback()` for each of the defined attributes.
  * An appropriate flag name might be `attributesInitialised` or `attributesInitialized`
* A callback that gets called between the initial calls to `attributeChangedCallback()` and the call to `connectedCallback()`
  * An appropriate callback name might be `attributesInitialisedCallback` or `attributesInitializedCallback`

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