Re: [w3c/manifest] Provide a way to not open a link in the PWA, in the moment (#989)

> Question about the paypal use-case -

Our paypal use-case...
• chrome browser 3rd party cookies Allowed:
**works as excpected** in both the browser or running out site as a PWA
• chrome browser 3rd party cookies disabled:
**works as excpected** If you have 3rd party cookies disabled in your chrome browser and use the paypal buttons the PayPal popup opens itself in a new tab and the payment process works ( this works exactly the same with PayPal app installed or not installed )
• chrome browser 3rd party cookies disabled and our site installed as a PWA
**BROKEN** Here is where the problem occurs. When using the PWA version of our site the PayPal buttons open an in page popup and the PayPal sign in process fails (without an error) and cookies messages keep showing from paypal. This fails both with PayPal app installed or not installed.
I tried making a link to our payment page with target="_blank" but this opens in a in-PWA web view and the PayPal process still fails.

I need a way to get the PayPal sign in to work within the PWA (e.g. allow the required PayPal cookies) or a way to open our payment page in the browser.


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Message ID: <w3c/manifest/issues/989/>

Received on Wednesday, 29 May 2024 04:05:59 UTC