[w3c/selection-api] Selection.direction spec issue, what should happen on multiple click? (Issue #177)

Based on the documentation, it only specifies the `Selection.direction` based on the position of the boundary-points.

> (...) first indicated boundary point is after the second, then the corresponding selection must initially be backwards. If the first indicated boundary point is before the second, then the corresponding selection must initially be forwards. Otherwise, it must be directionless.

The spec does not mention what should happen in case of double or triple click, when a whole word/line is selected.

The Mozilla's position is that the `direction` is should be `"none"` in case of double-click, since it does not involve any direction.
[Bugzilla: Selection.direction's value is incorrect](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1899020#c6)

My opinion is that the `direction` would be useful if its value were calculated based on the positions of the boundary points, because I don't see any advantage in knowing whether the selection was made by mouse dragging or double-click.

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Received on Monday, 27 May 2024 21:56:26 UTC