Re: [whatwg/streams] read all bytes usage/signature may be hard to understand (Issue #1315)

That's ultimately what I ended up basing things on after a colleague pointed out the cross-spec cross-reference site, and this was easy enough for me to understand; unfortunately all the other uses of the method are also apparently technically wrong since they just act like it returns a Promise.

What I think ultimately happened is that I didn't realize that, in the streams spec, the stuff that's after the colon in "... which is an algorithm accepting a JavaScript value: read-loop given reader ... " is, to use C++ terms, the definition and not part of declaration. Maybe this is just a convention I didn't notice before and ought to have known, but then I probably did a bit more things with specs than most people who might be reading it anyway.

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Message ID: <whatwg/streams/issues/1315/>

Received on Thursday, 23 May 2024 12:35:12 UTC