Re: [w3c/manifest] Provide a way to not open a link in the PWA, in the moment (#989)

I don't have any info about changing the behavior on Android here, but we have been working on getting (user controllable) link capturing to work on desktop platforms in Chromium, and our current plan is to only allow links to be captured into app launches if the link is creating a new 'top level transversable' [spec](, which basically means when there is supposed to be a new frame AND there isn't a shared browser context group with the opener (AKA no `window.opener`, no `window.frames`, etc). This makes sure the web platform stuff doesn't break, and from all of the examples we've looked at should match user expectations.

Will this possibly affect Android? I don't know. But I'll poke around to see how engrained that behavior is on the Android platform, and if it's feasible to change in the future. No promises though, this seems like a core thing on the Android platform (but I really have no idea).

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Message ID: <w3c/manifest/issues/989/>

Received on Monday, 20 May 2024 18:21:07 UTC