[w3c/selection-api] Change `getComposedRanges`'s `shadowRoots` parameter from rest parameter to a dictionary (Issue #176)

Current [spec](https://w3c.github.io/selection-api/#ref-for-dom-selection-getcomposedranges-1) of `getComposedRanges` API has single `shadowRoots` parameter which is a rest parameter. We should change it to a dictionary that contains an array of shadow roots. Similar to https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#gethtmloptions. It'd be good to be consistent.

Proposed change:

sequence<StaticRange> getComposedRanges(optional GetComposedRangesOptions options = {});

dictionary GetComposedRangesOptions {
  sequence<ShadowRoot> shadowRoots = [];

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