Re: [w3c/clipboard-apis] Specify order of flavors exported to macOS's pasteboard (#137)

The Web Editing Working Group just discussed `Specify order of flavors exported to macOS's pasteboard`.

<details><summary>The full IRC log of that discussion</summary>
&lt;sanketj_> Topic: Specify order of flavors exported to macOS's pasteboard<br>
&lt;sanketj_> github:<br>
&lt;sanketj_> snianu: Not sure has changed since last discussion.<br>
&lt;sanketj_> ...: Chromium has fixed order. Order determined when clipboard item created. Order preserved when writing to clipboard.<br>
&lt;sanketj_> ...: Not sure if it is possible to standardize order of formats written to clibpoard.<br>
&lt;sanketj_> ...: On Windows, there is some historical precedence from legacy apps.<br>
&lt;sanketj_> ...: May be different orders are needed on different platforms.<br>
&lt;sanketj_> sanketj: Last time we discussed we wanted to find out order from each browser. Chrome and Firefox seem to do different things, not sure if can be reconciled without compat problems.<br>
&lt;sanketj_> smaug: Doesn't Safari write based on author order?<br>
&lt;snianu> my zoom client crashed<br>
&lt;sanketj_> snianu: Sounds right. But we may have to leave it up to the UA. Possibly based on platform.<br>
&lt;sanketj_> smaug: Does Chromium have fixed order, regardless of author choice?<br>
&lt;sanketj_> sanketj: Chromium has fixed order, seems to be written in that order on all platforms.<br>
&lt;sanketj_> wshieh: List is order of fidelity? Highest to lowest?<br>
&lt;sanketj_> sanketj: Yes.<br>
&lt;sanketj_> wshieh: Similar concept on Mac/iOS with Webkit, but we go with the developer's ordering choice.<br>
&lt;sanketj_> wshieh: MacOS documentation also old. Points to older APIs.<br>
&lt;sanketj_> johanneswilm: Are we likely to get agreement on a behavior across browsers here?<br>
&lt;sanketj_> smaug: Not sure if not possible or no strong opinion.<br>
&lt;sanketj_> ...: May need investigation from all browsers.<br>
&lt;sanketj_> sanketj: There is risk with making these changes. Is it worth doing?<br>
&lt;sanketj_> johanneswilm: How would this make things better?<br>
&lt;sanketj_> smaug: Just consistency.<br>
&lt;sanketj_> johanneswilm: Spec already mentions you can't rely on the order.<br>
&lt;sanketj_> smaug: Depends on what native apps choose.<br>
&lt;sanketj_> johanneswilm: Let's set this aside for further investigations from other browsers?<br>
&lt;sanketj_> smaug: Why does Chromium have the current order?<br>
&lt;sanketj_> snianu: Not sure why fixed order was chosen.<br>
&lt;sanketj_> ...: Do want consistent order of formats between DataTransfer and async clipboard API.<br>
&lt;sanketj_> ...: Different order between copy/paste and async clipboard API may lead to inconsistent copy/paste for users.<br>
&lt;sanketj_> ...: OS like Windows specify higher fidelity formats go on top.<br>
&lt;sanketj_> sanketj: Doesn't Windows spec mention order?<br>
&lt;sanketj_> snianu: Windows spec doesn't specify exact order, but says highest fidelity format should go on top.<br>
&lt;sanketj_> ...: Risk is that if the authors provide a different order, then that isn't respected.<br>
&lt;sanketj_> ...: Changing browser orders carries risk of copy/paste issues since native apps hard to change.<br>
&lt;sanketj_> sanketj: Can someone post in the issue to confirm the active web dev impact? Original issue seems to be a Firefox bug that fixed a long time ago.<br>
&lt;sanketj_> johanneswilm: If someone can help take this further, let us know. If not, let's move on until there is more info.<br>

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Message ID: <w3c/clipboard-apis/issues/137/>

Received on Thursday, 9 May 2024 15:24:38 UTC