[whatwg/fetch] Editorial: Fix realmless ArrayBuffer creation (PR #1751)

Fixes https://github.com/whatwg/fetch/issues/1675, maybe.

@annevk in that issue also points out that the [extract a body [...]](https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-bodyinit-extract) algorithm also creates a Uint8Array in an ad-hoc way, which I've also tried to fix. Unfortunately I don't know what realm to use there - unlike the original issue, these aren't method steps. I am guessing that when the realm is unspecified (which it very often isn't - for example, earlier in the same algorithm there is "set stream to a new ReadableStream object" without a realm argument), it's implicitly the current realm? But maybe we need to thread a realm argument into this algorithm (and quite a few others), or possibly just explicitly pass "the current realm".

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-- Commit Summary --

  * specify realm when creating arraybuffer
  * refer to algorithm for making Uint8Array

-- File Changes --

    M fetch.bs (8)

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Received on Saturday, 4 May 2024 05:13:53 UTC