Re: [WICG/webcomponents] "open-stylable" Shadow Roots (#909)

> What do you mean by "all have this feature out of the box"? Clearly, cross-shadow combinator isn't a thing today.

@rniwa Yeah, what Justin described. Framework components don't use ShadowDOM as core part of their implementation, so what I mean is that when you make a "composed tree" with frameworks (React/Vue/etc), that "composed tree" ends up as a light tree without ShadowDOM, this document styles ("global styles" in typical framework terms) apply everywhere.

> That sounds like an entirely different problem statement. Please go file a separate issue instead of conflating that in this issue.

Various proposals, ideas, and desires from the above conversation want this in different ways essentially, so it is indeed related. Allowing a selector to be cross-root (to behave like "global styles" in Frameworks(React/Svelte/etc) that have no ShadowDOM) is essentially the same behavior styling the native/ShadowDOM composed tree with cross-root selectors would be. In various definitions of "open stylable" web components above, this end result is desired.

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Message ID: <WICG/webcomponents/issues/909/>

Received on Thursday, 21 March 2024 19:30:00 UTC