Re: [w3c/ServiceWorker] ServiceWorker static routing API (PR #1701)

@mkruisselbrink commented on this pull request.

just a couple of hopefully minor points/questions, otherwise this looks good to me.

> @@ -1077,7 +1080,9 @@ spec: storage; urlPrefix:
-    A {{ServiceWorkerGlobalScope}} object represents the global execution context of a [=/service worker=]. A {{ServiceWorkerGlobalScope}} object has an associated <dfn export for="ServiceWorkerGlobalScope">service worker</dfn> (a [=/service worker=]). A {{ServiceWorkerGlobalScope}} object has an associated <dfn for="ServiceWorkerGlobalScope">force bypass cache for import scripts flag</dfn>. It is initially unset.
+    A {{ServiceWorkerGlobalScope}} object represents the global execution context of a [=/service worker=]. A {{ServiceWorkerGlobalScope}} object has an associated <dfn export for="ServiceWorkerGlobalScope">service worker</dfn> (a [=/service worker=]). A {{ServiceWorkerGlobalScope}} object has an associated <dfn for="ServiceWorkerGlobalScope">force bypass cache for import scripts flag</dfn>. A {{ServiceWorkerGlobalScope}} object has an associated <dfn for="ServiceWorkerGlobalScope">race response map</dfn> which is an [=ordered map=] where the [=map/keys=] are [=/requests=] and the [=map/values=] are [=race response=]. It is initially unset.

nit: could you re-format this so every "A {{ServiceWorkerGlobalScope}} object has" sentence starts on a new line? And maybe even have blank lines between them so they also start on new lines/paragraphs in the generated HTML. I think that might be more readable.

> +        DOMString cacheName;
+      };
+      enum RunningStatus { "running", "not-running" };
+      enum RouterSourceEnum {
+        "cache",
+        "fetch-event",
+        "network",
+        "race-network-and-fetch-handler"
+      };
+    </pre>
+    <section>
+      <h4 id="register-router-method">{{InstallEvent/addRoutes(rules)|event.addRoutes(rules)}}</h4>
+      {{InstallEvent/addRoutes(rules)}} registers this service worker the rules to offload simple tasks that the fetch handler does.

This sentence doesn't quite sound right to me. What about:
      Note: {{InstallEvent/addRoutes(rules)}} registers rules for this service worker to offload simple tasks that the fetch event handler ordinarily does.

> +          1. If |source| is {{RouterSourceEnum/"network"}}:
+              1. If |shouldSoftUpdate| is true, then [=in parallel=] run the [=Soft Update=] algorithm with |registration|.
+              1. Return null.
+          1. Else if |source| is {{RouterSourceEnum/"cache"}}, or |source|["{{RouterSourceDict/cacheName}}"] [=map/exists=], then:
+              1. If |shouldSoftUpdate| is true, then [=in parallel=] run the [=Soft Update=] algorithm with |registration|.
+              1. [=map/For each=] |cacheName| &#x2192; |cache| of the |registration|'s [=service worker registration/storage key=]'s [=name to cache map=].
+                  1. If |source|["{{RouterSourceDict/cacheName}}"] [=map/exists=] and |source|["{{RouterSourceDict/cacheName}}"] [=string/is=] not |cacheName|, [=continue=].
+                  1. Let |requestResponses| be the result of running [=Query Cache=] with |request|, a new {{CacheQueryOptions}}, and |cache|.
+                  1. If |requestResponses| is an empty [=list=], return null.
+                  1. Else:
+                      1. Let |requestResponse| be the first element of |requestResponses|.
+                      1. Let |response| be |requestResponse|'s response.
+                      1. If |activeWorker|'s [=service worker/global object=] is null:
+                          1. If the result of running the [=Setup ServiceWorkerGlobalScope=] algorithm with |activeWorker| is false, then return null.
+                          Note: If this step succeeds, then |activeWorker|'s [=relevant settings object=] is now ready to use.

My hope was that this wouldn't be modifying |activeWorker| at all. I.e. we'd have something like:

1. Let |global object| be |activeWorker|'s global object.
2. If |global object| is null:
   1. Set |global object| to the result of running [=Setup ServiceWorkerGlobalScope=] 
        with |activeWorker|.
3. If |global object| is null:
   1. Return null.
// Now use |global object|

Perhaps with a "Note: This only creates a ServiceWorkerGlobalScope because CORS checks require that. It is not expected that implementations will actually create a ServiceWorkerGlobalScope here."

> +                  1. Else:
+                      1. Let |requestResponse| be the first element of |requestResponses|.
+                      1. Let |response| be |requestResponse|'s response.
+                      1. If |activeWorker|'s [=service worker/global object=] is null:
+                          1. If the result of running the [=Setup ServiceWorkerGlobalScope=] algorithm with |activeWorker| is false, then return null.
+                          Note: If this step succeeds, then |activeWorker|'s [=relevant settings object=] is now ready to use.
+                      1. Let |settingsObject| be |activeWorker|'s [=relevant settings object=].
+                      1. If |response|'s [=response/type=] is "`opaque`", and [=cross-origin resource policy check=] with |settingsObject|'s [=environment settings object/origin=], |settingsObject|, "", and |response|'s [=filtered response/internal response=] returns <b>blocked</b>, then return null.
+                      1. Return |response|.
+              1. Return null.
+          1. Else if |source| is {{RouterSourceEnum/"race-network-and-fetch-handler"}}, and |request|'s [=request/method=] is \`<code>GET</code>\` then:
+              1. Let |queue| be an empty [=queue=] of [=/response=].
+              1. Let |raceFetchController| be null.
+              1. Set |raceResponse|'s [=race response/value=] to "<code>pending</code>".

Where did |raceResponse| come from? Should this be `Let |raceResponse| be a [=race response=] whose [=race response/value=] is "<code>pending</code>".`?

> +                      1. Let |requestResponse| be the first element of |requestResponses|.
+                      1. Let |response| be |requestResponse|'s response.
+                      1. If |activeWorker|'s [=service worker/global object=] is null:
+                          1. If the result of running the [=Setup ServiceWorkerGlobalScope=] algorithm with |activeWorker| is false, then return null.
+                          Note: If this step succeeds, then |activeWorker|'s [=relevant settings object=] is now ready to use.
+                      1. Let |settingsObject| be |activeWorker|'s [=relevant settings object=].
+                      1. If |response|'s [=response/type=] is "`opaque`", and [=cross-origin resource policy check=] with |settingsObject|'s [=environment settings object/origin=], |settingsObject|, "", and |response|'s [=filtered response/internal response=] returns <b>blocked</b>, then return null.
+                      1. Return |response|.
+              1. Return null.
+          1. Else if |source| is {{RouterSourceEnum/"race-network-and-fetch-handler"}}, and |request|'s [=request/method=] is \`<code>GET</code>\` then:
+              1. Let |queue| be an empty [=queue=] of [=/response=].
+              1. Let |raceFetchController| be null.
+              1. Set |raceResponse|'s [=race response/value=] to "<code>pending</code>".
+              1. Run the following substeps [=in parallel=], but [=abort when=] |controller|'s [=fetch controller/state=] is "<code>terminated</code>" or "<code>aborted</code>":

(mostly an FYI, if lands first, |controller| will need to be updated to |fetchController|. If this PR lands first, I'll need to update the other PR to also change this here).

> +                  1. Set |raceFetchController| to the result of calling [=fetch=] given |request|, with [=fetch/processResponse=] set to the following steps given a [=/response=] |raceNetworkRequestResponse|:
+                      1. If |raceNetworkRequestResponse|'s [=response/status=] is [=ok status=], then:
+                          1. Set |raceResponse|'s [=race response/value=] to |raceNetworkRequestResponse|.
+                          1. [=queue/Enqueue=] |raceNetworkRequestResponse| to |queue|.
+                      1. Otherwise, set |raceResponse|'s [=race response/value=] to a [=network error=].
+              1. [=If aborted=] and |raceFetchController| is not null, then:
+                  1. [=fetch controller/Abort=] |raceFetchController|.
+                  1. Set |raceResponse| to a [=race response=] whose [=race response/value=] is null.
+              1. Resolve |preloadResponse| with undefined.
+              1. Run the following substeps [=in parallel=]:
+                  1. Let |fetchHandlerResponse| be the result of [=Create Fetch Event and Dispatch=] with |request|, |registration|, |useHighResPerformanceTimers|, |timingInfo|, |workerRealm|, |reservedClient|, |preloadResponse|, and |raceResponse|.
+                  1. If |fetchHandlerResponse| is not null and not a [=network error=], and |raceFetchController| is not null, [=fetch controller/abort=] |raceFetchController|.
+                  1. [=queue/Enqueue=] |fetchHandlerResponse| to |queue|.
+              1. Wait until |queue| is not empty.
+              1. Return the result of [=dequeue=] |queue|.
+          1. Assert: |source| is "{{RouterSourceEnum/fetch-event}}"

I think this should be un-indented one extra level (to line up with the following steps, which assume that this assertion does indeed hold)

> +      :: |preloadResponse|, a [=promise=]
+      :: |raceResponse|, a [=race response=]
+      : Output
+      :: a [=/response=]
+      1. Let |response| be null.
+      1. Let |eventCanceled| be false.
+      1. Let |client| be |request|'s [=request/client=].
+      1. Let |activeWorker| be |registration|'s <a>active worker</a>.
+      1. Let |eventHandled| be null.
+      1. Let |handleFetchFailed| be false.
+      1. Let |respondWithEntered| be false.
+      1. Let |shouldSoftUpdate| be true if any of the following are true, and false otherwise:
+          * |request| is a [=non-subresource request=].
+          * |request| is a [=subresource request=] and |registration| is [=stale=].
+      1. Let |raceResponseMap| be |activeWorker|'s [=service worker/global object=]'s [=race response map=].

this should move till after the run Service Worker step below as well to make sure global object has been initialized.

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