[w3ctag/design-reviews] Gamepad Trigger Rumble Extension (Issue #934)

こんにちは TAG-さん!

I'm requesting a TAG review of Gamepad Trigger Rumble.

Currently, there are gamepads, like the [Microsoft's Xbox](https://www.xbox.com/en-us/accessories/controllers/xbox-wireless-controller#white) and the [Razer Wolverine Ultimate](https://www.razer.com/console-controllers/razer-wolverine-ultimate/RZ06-02250100-R3U1) Controllers, which comes equipped with "impulse triggers" capable of providing trigger-rumble feedback to the user. While the [GamepadHapticActuator](https://w3c.github.io/gamepad/#gamepadhapticactuator-interface), part of the [Gamepad API](https://w3c.github.io/gamepad/), already provides support for dual-rumble effect, it does not allow developers to have access to trigger-rumble yet. This extension will allow game developers to equip their web applications with a wider set of haptics feedback options, making it possible for their users to have a richer and more engaging experience on the web.

  - Explainer¹ (minimally containing user needs and example code): https://github.com/MicrosoftEdge/MSEdgeExplainers/blob/main/GamepadHapticsActuatorTriggerRumble/explainer.md
  - Specification URL: https://w3c.github.io/gamepad/
  - Tests: [wpt folder(s), if available]
  - User research: None
  - Security and Privacy self-review²: Didn't think it was necessary. Please let me know if it is.
  - GitHub repo (if you prefer feedback filed there): https://github.com/w3c/gamepad/issues/138
  - Primary contacts (and their relationship to the specification):
      - [name] ([github username]), [organization/s] (repeat as necessary, we recommend including group chairs and editors in this list)
      - Marcos caceres, @marcoscaceres, Apple (chair)
      - Matt Reynolds, @nondebug, Google (editor)
      - Gabriel Brito, @gabrielsanbrito, Microsoft (editor)
      - Steve Becker, @SteveBeckerMSFT, Microsoft (editor)
  - Organization(s)/project(s) driving the specification: Microsoft
  - Key pieces of existing multi-stakeholder (e.g. developers, implementers, civil society) support, review or discussion of this specification:
    - Chromium comments: https://chromestatus.com/feature/5162940951953408
    - Mozilla comments: https://github.com/mozilla/standards-positions/issues/656
    - WebKit comments: https://github.com/WebKit/standards-positions/issues/1
  - External status/issue trackers for this specification (publicly visible, e.g. Chrome Status):

Further details:

  - [X] I have reviewed the TAG's [Web Platform Design Principles](https://www.w3.org/TR/design-principles/)
  - Relevant time constraints or deadlines: [please provide]
  - The group where the work on this specification is currently being done: [Web Applications Working Group](https://www.w3.org/groups/wg/webapps/)
  - The group where standardization of this work is intended to be done (if current group is a community group or other incubation venue): [Web Applications Working Group](https://www.w3.org/groups/wg/webapps/)
  - Major unresolved issues with or opposition to this specification:
  - This work is being funded by:

You should also know that...

Both Chromium and WebKit already have this extension implemented and working behind a feature flag. Moreover, this is an extension to what the Gamepad API spec maintainers now view as a legacy API and we expect future haptic effects will use a new API.

We'd prefer the TAG provide feedback as (please delete all but the desired option):

  💬 leave review feedback as a **comment in this issue** and @-notify @gabrielsanbrito, @SteveBeckerMSFT


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Received on Friday, 16 February 2024 02:31:40 UTC