Re: [w3c/uievents] Specify the textInput event (PR #362)

@zcorpan commented on this pull request.

> +<div class="algorithm" data-algorithm="initialize-a-textevent">
+<h3 id="initialize-a-textevent"><dfn>initialize a TextEvent</dfn></h3>
+    : Input
+    :: |e|, the {{Event}} to initialize
+    :: |eventType|, a DOMString containing the event type
+    :: |eventTarget|, the {{EventTarget}} of the event
+    : Output
+    :: None
+    1. <a>Initialize a TextEvent</a> with |e|, |eventType| and |eventTarget|
+    1. Initialize the following public attributes
+        1. Set = null


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Message ID: <w3c/uievents/pull/362/review/>

Received on Friday, 2 February 2024 14:05:54 UTC