Re: [whatwg/webidl] Allow users of "invoke a callback function" to report the exception (PR #1424)

@domenic approved this pull request.

LGTM with nit.

>      and an optional [=callback this value|callback this value=] |thisArg|,
     perform the following steps.
     These steps will either return an IDL value or throw an exception.
+    The |exceptionBehavior| argument must be supplied if, and only if, |callable|'s
+    [=return type=] is not a [=promise type=]. If |callable|'s return type is neither
+    {{undefined}} nor {{any}}, it may not be "<code>report</code>".

    {{undefined}} nor {{any}}, it must be "<code>rethrow</code>".

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Message ID: <whatwg/webidl/pull/1424/review/>

Received on Friday, 2 August 2024 05:35:09 UTC