Re: [whatwg/fetch] Editorial: Reword how-to section to explain how to use callbacks & controller (PR #1614)

@noamr commented on this pull request.

-<p>Aside from a <a for=/>request</a> the <a for=/>fetch</a> operation takes several optional
-arguments. For those arguments that take an algorithm: the algorithm will be called from a task (or
-in a <a for=/>parallel queue</a> if <a for=fetch><i>useParallelQueue</i></a> is true).
+<p>Once the <a for=/>request</a> is set up, determine how you would like to process the
+<a for=/>response</a>, and in particular at what stage you would like to receive a callback:

I don't exactly understand this comment.

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Message ID: <whatwg/fetch/pull/1614/review/>

Received on Sunday, 26 March 2023 08:07:12 UTC