Re: [whatwg/fetch] Deferred fetching (PR #1647)

@noamr commented on this pull request.

> @@ -8449,6 +8597,60 @@ with a <var>promise</var>, <var>request</var>, <var>responseObject</var>, and an
+<h3 id=fetch-later-method>FetchLater method</h3>
+<pre class=idl>
+dictionary DeferredRequestInit : RequestInit {
+  DOMHighResTimeStamp backgroundTimeout;
+partial interface mixin WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope {
+  [NewObject] Promise&lt;Response> fetchLater(RequestInfo input, optional DeferredRequestInit init = {});

Hmm you're right, it would also be racy if the `reactivate` task is already queued. So we need an atomic exchange thingy, something like:
Let `sentState` be "deferred", "scheduled", or "sent", initially "deferred".

When deactivating (in document event loop, after `pagehide`):
- Set `sentState` to "scheduled".
- In parallel:
   - Wait `backgroundTimeout` millis
   - Let `currentState` be the result of atomically exchanging `sentState` with "sent"
   - If `currentState` is `scheduled`, then fetch etc.

When reactivating (in document event loop, before `pageshow`):
   - Let `currentState` be the result of atomically exchanging `sentState` with "deferred"
   - Let fetchLater's `sent` be true if `currentState` is "sent", otherwise false.

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Message ID: <whatwg/fetch/pull/1647/review/>

Received on Saturday, 10 June 2023 15:44:15 UTC