Re: [whatwg/fetch] Set body with byte reading support (PR #1593)

@domenic approved this pull request.

LGTM with nit

> +
+       <li><p>Let |desiredSize| be |available|.
+       <li><p>If |stream|'s [=ReadableStream/current BYOB request view=] is non-null, then set
+       |desiredSize| to |stream|'s [=ReadableStream/current BYOB request view=]'s [=BufferSource/byte
+       length=].
+       <li><p>Let |extractSize| be the smaller value of |available| and |desiredSize|.
+       <li><p>Let <var>bytes</var> be the result of extracting |extractSize| of bytes from
+       <var>buffer</var>.
+       <li>If |stream|s [=ReadableStream/current BYOB request view=] is non-null, then
+       [=ArrayBufferView/write=] |bytes| into |stream|'s [=ReadableStream/current BYOB request
+       view=], and set |view| to |stream|'s [=ReadableStream/current BYOB request view=].
+       <li>Otherwise, set |view| to the result of [=ArrayBufferView/create|creating=] a

Missing newline here

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Message ID: <whatwg/fetch/pull/1593/review/>

Received on Wednesday, 15 February 2023 06:42:29 UTC