Re: [WICG/webcomponents] Editor support for WebComponents (#776)

I'm having trouble implementing emmet in my extension too.

The html.customData is a problem when working live. You have to reload the window each time to have the autocompletion up to date, which isn't cool when working on large projects.

The problem with simply installing a custom element library is that auto-completion has to work in every language that can write html (html, jsx, svelte, etc.), which is a lot of work. 

And people who already use a framework don't see the point of using a native web component library outside of their framework.

If you find my idea interesting or if you want to share more about the possible integration of the Custom Element Manifest in VSCode, you can write to me privately (my email is on my github profile) to discuss it. 

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Received on Thursday, 17 August 2023 21:44:00 UTC