Re: [w3c/clipboard-apis] Add clipboard IDL description. (#158)

@domenic commented on this pull request.

-  dictionary ClipboardItemOptions {
-    PresentationStyle presentationStyle = "unspecified";
+   1. For each |representation| in |itemTypeList|:
+    1. If |representation|'s [=mime type=] is |mimeType|, then:
+     1. Let |blobData| be a [=Blob=] created using |representation|'s [=data=].

Do you want to set the Blob's type as well? It looks like the File API spec is not very precise in a way that would make this rigorous, but I would guess you might want to do something like the following:

1. Let |blobData| be a [=Blob=] created using |representation|'s [=data=] and with its type set to |mimeType|, [=serialize a MIME type|serialized=].

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