Re: [w3c/clipboard-apis] Add clipboard IDL description. (#158)

@mbrodesser commented on this pull request.

-    Promise<Blob> getType(DOMString type);
-  };
+  A [=clipboard item=] is conceptually data that the user has expressed a desire to make shareable by invoking a "cut" or "copy" command.
+  For example, if a user copies a range of cells from a spreadsheet of a native application, it will result in one [=clipboard item=]. If a user copies a set of files from their desktop, that list of files will be represented by multiple [=clipboard item=]s.

> > would be better placed as a note of the ClipboardIteminterface.
> I disagree? That text is defining the structure of the conceptual `clipboard item`, which seems pretty important. It shouldn't be a note (since notes are non-normative), and it's only indirectly related to the `ClipboardItem` interface (since a `ClipboardItem` contains a conceptual `clipboard item`).

Thanks for the comment. I didn't express myself clearly, sorry. I suggest separating the examples and the definition of the `clipboard item` concept. Wouldn't the examples be better located in a note of the `ClipboardItem` interface, intended for web-developers? 

> Similarly the first paragraph you mention,
> > to a note ( of the Clipboard (not ClipboardItem) interface.
> should not be a note. I don't know why it would be more related to `Clipboard` than `ClipboardItem`, either...

It's about the level of abstraction of the examples: the examples for web-developers about multiple clipboard items should belong to the `Clipboard` interface, because only that exposes multiple items. The examples for one clipboard item should belong to the `ClipboardItem` interface.

WDYT? My understanding of the distinction between the conceptual clipboard item and `ClipboardItem` might still be wrong.

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