Re: [whatwg/fetch] Elaborate on obtaining a connection (#1245)

@ricea commented on this pull request.

I think it looks okay.

> @@ -2204,6 +2204,39 @@ unset or <a for=request>keepalive</a> is false, <a lt=terminated for=fetch>termi
 <a for="fetch group">fetch record</a>'s <a for="fetch record">fetch</a>.
+<h3 id=resolving-domains>Resolving domains</h3>
+<p>To <dfn>resolve a domain</dfn>, given a <a for=/>domain</a> <var>domain</var> and a
+<a for=/>network partition key</a> <var>key</var>, perform an <a>implementation-defined</a>
+operation to turn <var>domain</var> into a <a for=/>set</a> of one or more

Pedantic note: the set is ordered, although the order may be different every time. Given the language below, I don't think it makes any difference.

-  <p><a>If aborted</a>, then:
+  <p>Let <var>connection</var> be the result of running this step: run <a>create a connection</a>

This is probably a bad time to mention that Chromium starts racing a second connection if the first one takes more than 250ms. Maybe this can be treated as a kind of preconnect for standardisation purposes?

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