Re: [w3c/gamepad] Add buttondown, buttonup, buttonchange, axischange events (#152)

@jameshollyergoogle commented on this pull request.

> +              <li>Let |button:GamepadButton| be
+              |gamepad|.{{Gamepad/[[buttons]]}}[|buttonIndex|].
+              </li>
+              <li>If |oldButtonValue|[|buttonIndex|] is not equal to
+              |button|.{{GamepadButton/value}}:
+                <ol>
+                  <li>Let |buttonCopy| be a [=new=] {{GamepadButton}} instance
+                  with its {{GamepadButton/value}} attribute initialized to
+                  |button|.{{GamepadButton/value}}, its
+                  {{GamepadButton/pressed}} attribute initialized to
+                  |button|.{{GamepadButton/pressed}}, and its
+                  {{GamepadButton/touched}} attribute initialized to
+                  |button|.{{GamepadButton/touched}}.
+                  </li>
+                  <li>[=Queue a task=] on the [=gamepad task source=] to [=fire
+                  an event=] named {{buttonchange}} at |gamepad| using

I am happy either way. I would say let's do the thing that would be easiest from a standards approval perspective. I think that would be to add it here and get it all done in one go. 

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