Re: [w3ctag/design-reviews] WebHID API (Human Interface Device) (#370)

> Applications could mitigate this by guiding the user to select one or the other, but if the correct choice is already known by the application prior to requesting permission then perhaps it should just be an option for requestDevice instead of a choice presented to the user.

This actually seems like an idea that might work! Can we have try to get this into the spec?

> That's a good point, I think we should be able to accept third party requests but with a higher bar for proof that the blocked functionality presents a credible risk to users. Even if we're convinced that some blocking is warranted, in most cases we will want to follow up with vendors to make sure the proposed blocklist rules have the correct scope.

Sounds good. Just wanted to make sure we had some sort of protocol for this.

I think if we can try a direction where the application requests what they think they need, we think our work here is done. Thanks for the patience!

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