Re: [w3c/ServiceWorker] Have "Handle Fetch" return error when request's streaming body is unusable (#1563)

@MattiasBuelens requested changes on this pull request.

> +              1. If |response| is null, |request|'s [=request/body=] is not null, and |request|'s [=request/body=]'s [=Body/source=] is null, then:
+           1. If |request|'s [=request/body=] is [=Body/unusable=], set |handleFetchFailed| to true.
+    2. Else, [=ReadableStream/cancel=] |request|'s [=request/body=] with undefined.

The steps are numbered incorrectly, see screenshot:

I think it's because the indentation is inconsistent (tabs mixed with spaces). Also, all numbered steps should be prefixed with `1.`, we shouldn't have a `2.` in there.
              1. If |response| is null, |request|'s [=request/body=] is not null, and |request|'s [=request/body=]'s [=Body/source=] is null, then:
                  1. If |request|'s [=request/body=] is [=Body/unusable=], set |handleFetchFailed| to true.
                  1. Else, [=ReadableStream/cancel=] |request|'s [=request/body=] with undefined.

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