Re: [whatwg/dom] AbortController.prototype.timeout and AbortController.prototype.cancel (Issue #1039)

I agree about the `.cancel()` name potentially being confusing. It also doesn't help that Streams already has `readableStream.cancel()` and `writableStream.abort()`. 😅 Perhaps `abortController.close()` is better? 🤔 

The proposed `.timeout()` method seems quite complex, and I'm not sure if it's sufficiently general to be worth adding to the platform. I think it'd be better if we could first add some more "fundamental" utilities such as `abortController.follow()` (#920) and `abortController.close()`, on top of which you can build `.timeout()`:

class TimeoutAbortController extends AbortController {

  timeout(delay) {
    if (this.#timer) {
      this.#timer.close(); // assuming this also cleans up the followed AbortSignal.timeout() signal
    this.#timer = new AbortController();

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