Re: [whatwg/dom] once() and on() async utilities for EventTarget (Issue #1038)

Ok, so I just want to summarize where we seem to be landing on this:

1. Add a new `EventTarget.prototype.toPromise(type[, options])` that returns a `Promise` that is resolved with `undefined` when the next event `type` is dispatched.
  * `options` will include:
    * `signal` - An `AbortSignal` that can be used to cancel waiting for the event `type`.
  * The `capture` and `passive` options would have no significant meaning here.
1. Add a new `EventTarget.prototype.toAsyncIterator(type[, options])` that returns an `AsyncIterator` that iterates every time the `type` event is dispatched.
  * `options` is the same as `toPromise()`

Using `Promise.race()` should handle the race conditions when there are multiple events that can be expected. 

Does this seem correct?

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